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EITF Tournament and Umpire Committee meeting in SLovenia

Europe ITF Taekwon-Do Federation Tournament and Umpire Committee meeting was held  in Ankaran, Slovenia from October 13th to 17th, 2022,  in Hotel Convent Adria.

In the presence of the EITF President, GM Michael Prewett  several important topics were addressed related to Umpire and Tournament Rules, the European competition system for children, EITF activities, etc.

European ITF Taekwon-Do Championships in Italy 2023 developments were presented and discussed with Master Ruggiero Lanotte. As the deadline for general info pack issuing is approaching, final details were agreed.

Attended to the meeting GM Gary Miller as EITF T&UC Chairman, Master Emin Durakovic EITF T&UC member and Director of Finance, Master  Vergiliy Sitnilsky EITF T&UC member, Nenad Seferagic EITF T&UC member and Director of marketing, communication and PR.

EITF T&UC will contact all NGB's with news and useful information soon.


Europe ITF Taekwon-do Federation
Europe ITF Taekwon-do Federation
Europe ITF Taekwon-do Federation
Europe ITF Taekwon-do Federation
Europe ITF Taekwon-do Federation

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